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Reported location of members near 35.3 degrees N, 112 degrees W.

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 Legend: WebLink=WebLink   Red Coach moved in last 24 hours.   elec=Elec Hookup   help=Member Help   7 Members Shown  

EMailNoteUser IDNameZoom ToCoachLatitudeLongitudeLast Updated
E-Mail Ed & Penny 25 Ed & Penny
 OC Bird - Reborn
None·38 33.67210N 118.00952W 7-Aug-2018
Well we’ve gone and done it. Sold the M380.... boooo-hooooo.

Now we are motor homeless..... till the next time.

E-Mail Larry Dill & Barbara Ribar 26 Larry Dill & Barbara Ribar 95·SOB·28 32.63220N 114.37740W 23-Apr-2023
Currently at home in the Foothills of Yuma, AZ

We have full hook ups, only in winter months in Yuma, AZ

E-Mail Michael & Tami 116 Michael & Tami
 Putz'n Around
78·FC·35 34.53622N 113.45187W 5-Apr-2018
AZ Hot Birds - Burro Creek Rally

E-Mail Morey Zuber 168 Morey Zuber 99·LXI·41 37.48333N 106.15000W 30-Jul-2017
Volunteering at Monte Vista & Alamosa NWR’s in Colorado. Now in the San Luis Valley which at 7600 ft high is the highest Alpine valley in the world capable of high quality agriculture. Crops are hay, alfalfa, barley for Coors, potatoes, beef cattle. Watering by large circles of sprinklers. This is where the Rio Grande river comes out of the La Garita Mountains going through New Mexico to the border to the Gulf of Mexico.

E-Mail NealinNevada 303 NealinNevada 94·PT·40 32.00000N 110.28620W 10-Sep-2019
463 GFam
86·PT·40 36.14773N 115.22203W 22-Mar-2018
If you get stranded, let us know!

E-Mail Terry & Betty Brewer 590 Terry & Betty Brewer 00·SOB 32.64366N 114.37800W 27-Mar-2024
Home, Yuma AZ

Click HERE to update your location.

About the BBird Maps: These maps are available for the use of members of Membership is free, and anyone can join who has an interest in Blue Birds. In general, those shown on the map are owners of Blue Bird Motor Coaches, and they frequently travel about North America. If you would like to become a member, full information is available HERE.

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18-Apr-24    E-Mail    Site design by Arcata Pet Software